Intergenerational Consultations

A series of intergenerational consultations were held across the world to produce a set of key principles, providing a blueprint for universal standard-setting in relation to the right of the child to grow up in a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. These principles have gone on to inform ground-breaking local, regional and international instruments, including the Global Charter on Children’s Rights, the Environment and Climate Change and General Comment No. 26.

Regional workshops

Workshops in different world regions were held to provide a critical platform for exchange among child and youth activists, national and regional actors from Government, regional institutions, civil society, research institutions and academia, international organisations, regional and national human rights institutions and courts, as well as private sector actors. Consultations were tailored to region-specific issues and priorities and resulted in regional based declarations, manifestos, and outcome reports that are being used for local, national and regional advocacy, as well as a multitude of follow-up activities.

Latin America and the Caribbean
East Asia and Pacific
North America
Sub-Saharan Africa

My Planet My Rights Online Poll

Over 1,200 children from 102 countries shared their concerns and solutions on the environment through the My Planet My Rights online poll. Their inputs informed the development of regional reports and continue to contribute to international policy and decision-making on children’s rights and environment.

Key Principles & Reports

Regional report

Phoenix Manifesto

Regional report

Regional report

Regional Report (Spanish)

Declaration of Youth (Spanish)

Voices of Youth from Latin America and the Caribbean (English)

Voices of Youth from Latin America and the Caribbean (Spanish)


November: Preparatory workshop of group of core partners

22 April 2019 – February 2023: My Planet My Rights Online Poll

2-3 May: Regional consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean (Colombia, Bogotá)

22-24 October: Regional consultation for East Asia and Pacific (Indonesia, Bogor)

July: Mini regional consultation for the Caribbean

December 2020 -July 2021: Regional consultation for North America (online)

November 2022 – January 2023: Regional consultation for Africa (Online & decentralized workshops)

Global Charter for Children’s Right, the Environment and Climate Change launches!


  • Influencing child rights and environmental guidance and standards: Consultations are already informing environmental decision-making and guidance, including General Comment No. 26 and reports from the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment.
General Comment No. 26
Global Charter on Children’s Rights, the Environment and Climate Change
Non-toxic environment
  • Identification of good practice laws, policies and action.
  • Empowerment of children and youth: Children received specialised capacity-building in advance of consultations. Intergenerational dialogue formed the basis for solidarity at national, regional and global levels, and demonstrates a model for child-friendly consultation mechanisms more broadly. CERI worked with local partners to identify and engage children from marginalised communities in particular.

Juliana Torres Marín is an environmental activist from Colombia. In July 2020, at the age of 15, she was one of the first children to testify before the UN Human Rights Council demanding the recognition of children’s right to a healthy environment and bringing forth the key principles from the Latin America and Caribbean consultation. This is her message to governments.

  • A powerful and consolidated network of experts and organisations across regions advocating on issues related to children’s rights and the environment.
  • Actions/commitments: Consultations provided a basis for facilitating future collaboration and follow-up activities. Findings and recommendations identified by participants are captured in regional reports.

In follow-up to the East Asia and Pacific Consultation, partners UNICEF, UNEP and OHCHR, developed Principles and Policy Guidance on Children’s Rights to a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Region.